One-to-one maths tutoring

Resources, advice and insights into maths exams

Here you can find a selection of free exam sources, including past papers from a number of curriculums.

Past papers allow students to put theory into practice, get a sense of the questions that will be asked in the real thing and develop their time management skills, and so they form a cornerstone of our maths tuition in Bolton.

Whatever curriculum or level of education you are your child are preparing for, we cannot recommend going through past papers enough. More, in this case, is better.

Should you need to go through more past paths, you can purchase additional papers from us directly via our contact form.


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Our Resources: 

Watch this space, we will be uploading some resources soon. 






Our tuition services are tried and tested to help you pass your exams

Whatever exam you have on the horizon, Stem B Tuition's person-centred approach to one-on-one maths tutoring can confidently help you pass with flying colours. Get in touch with us via our booking form to make an enquiry.

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